Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Third Secret Revealed

There has been a long debate since the 1960's over the Third Secret of Fatima. There are many on one side who have heard what the Church revealed as what they say is the full text of the Third Secret of Fatima and believe that in the Pope's consecration of the World including Russia, counted. There is even an account given by Sr. Lucia who states that the consecration of the world was approved in Heaven and that God would hold to His promises.

Yet there is another side to all this. Another side that states that the full Third Secret has not been revealed. In fact that there is more to the secret that has not been revealed. Details that are even more terrifying than was has already been revealed. And according to this  side, Russia still has yet to be consecrated… Which means we are about to experience exactly what this Third Secret is saying.

After watching the video that I have attached to this post below, it has even furthered my belief that there is much more to the Third Secret that has not been revealed, and that Russia still needs to be consecrated!! What is even more fascinating is that these accounts go hand-in-hand with the same predictions of St. Faustina, Our Lady of Good Success, and from the Children of Garabandal. Each one of these other predictions point out the same points that the unrevealed Third Secret seems to also point out. The sign in the sky, 3 forms of Chastisement on the world, Nations being annihilated, and in the end the return to the sacred through the intersession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and a time of peace granted to the world. For me, this is proof that the there is more to the Third Secret that has not been revealed, especially when all other predictions point to it.

Another element that is spoken about in the video below, that even the Children of Garbandal speak of as well, is the predictions about "The Last Pope". In the unrevealed portions of Third Secret, Our Lady speaks of how the Devil is making his way up the hierarchy of the Church. And that the last Pope will be completely controlled by the Devil.

Now what does this mean "completely controlled by the Devil"? In the video as you will see, the presenter discusses the different ways in which the Devil can control someone. He can either possess the person, or if the person "sells their soul to the Devil" in return for a favor, he can control them then. Or he can control them by means that everything that person does, never gets done due to the Devil's control on the situation. She even points out a quote from Pope Benedict XVI in which he stated, "Everything I do, stops at that door." Meaning, everything he would have liked to accomplish in his papacy, did not get done due to something always stopping him. So does that mean that Pope Benedict was the last Pope? What about Pope Francis now?

First lets again look at what the meaning of "Last Pope" means. We must understand that this does not mean the last Pope before the return of Christ. Nor does this mean or support any Protestant belief that the Pope could one day be the Anti-Christ. No, that will come later. What is likely being said when the discussion of "the Last Pope" comes up, could mean that this will be the last Pope of these times and before the consecration of Russia finally occurs. Now to return to the question about Pope Benedict or Pope Francis being "the Last Pope" of these times…

Obviously Pope Benedict was not the last Pope, since Russia has still not been consecrated. Could it be Pope Francis? Again, we may not know until we know. Yet there are many signs that Pope Francis' papacy are strongly being hindered by the Devil's control. Here are some examples that have been the most prevalent…

Everything that Pope Francis says or does seems to be eaten up by the media and misinterpreted to mean something completely opposite and blasphemous from what he actually said. I've said it before and I will say it again… Pope Francis is clearly a good and holy man, and I do believe he means well in all he says… But for some reason, every thing he says and does the media ends up taking the wrong way. What is also interesting is that there is a strange vibe around him that every Catholic and Non-Catholic seems to have. The more traditional Catholics seem to dislike him, when the more modernist Catholics LOVE him! But why? Why is there such a dramatic opinion about what people think of this Pope. This opinion that seems to effect people so much, that some will even go as far as to insult his papacy all together, which in the end can be very sinful. Something odd is effecting, and maybe even "controlling" everyones opinion of him. And then there are these visible signs, the lightening striking the Vatican twice when Pope Benedict retired; the strange seagull that was perched on the chimney the day Pope Francis was elected; and crow and seagull that attacked the Pope's doves the he released from his window.

What do I mean by these signs? Well Fr. Dwight Longenecker, had a good interpretation of what this could mean:

I was in St Peter’s Square yesterday for the Angelus and witnessed the children releasing doves from the window of the Apostolic Palace with Pope Francis. Everyone gasped as a crow and a seagull swooped in to attack the pope’s doves.

Was this an omen? Here is one interpretation: The black crow reminded me of the raven in Edgar Allen Poe’s famous poem The Raven. The raven is a symbol of darkness, death and sin. A carrion bird of doom, the black crow represents the attack of Satan, sin and death on the white birds of hope and innocence released by the white clad vicar of Christ and two children.

What about the seagull? Do you remember the seagull that perched ominously on the chimney the day Pope Francis was elected? Seagulls are horrible birds. Scavengers with a loud cry like a crow’s, they are aggressive, territorial and greedy. The seagull reminded me of another poem: Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In this poem a sailor kills an albatross and the sailors–lost at sea–hang the albatross around his neck as they are becalmed and one by one descend into starvation and death. The albatross is therefore a symbol of sin and guilt.

So what was the sign in St Peter’s Square yesterday? The Holy Father releasing into the world the symbols of peace and forgiveness–releasing into the world the signs of the gospel of God, the symbol of the Holy Spirit–the white dove. But the dove is attacked by the forces of Satan–the powers of darkness, death and destruction and also attacked by the power of sin and guilt.

I’m happy to say that both doves escaped.

Am I trying to point out that this good and humble Pope is being controlled by the Devil? That is for you to figure out on your own. All I am trying to point out here is that, clearly this prediction of the Devil controlling the actions of the Last Pope may happening more sooner than we think. And so as our dear Holy Father has requested from us before, we must pray for him.

Finally, as all these things seem to come together, this is my understanding of how the world will slowly come to an end and Christ will return for the Final Judgement:

  1. The corruption in the Church and in the world will continue and the errors of Russia will continue to make their way into the world.
  2. The Pope will be unable to stop anything due to the control of the Devil.
  3. People will begin to loose their faith and the increase of atheism will increase.
  4. Eventually the new World Order will take place and there will no longer will be countries, everything will be global.
  5. A new form of energy will come to everyone and it will be super cheap and affordable. Yet in the wrong hands, it can be used to kill billions of people.
  6. Then the sign will appear in the sky that God's chastisement is about to begin.
  7. The 3 forms of Chastisement will occur in the world.
  8. World War III will occur and nations will be annihilated, and the Pope will be killed.
  9. Finally the Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph! A new Pope will be elected and he will consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart, and a time of peace will be given to the world.
  10. During this time of peace the new Pope will also appoint a King, "The Great Monarch" who will help to convert the whole world to Christianity.
  11. Eventually after some time the Great Monarch will be killed, and the Anti-Christ will come.
  12. He will claim to be the true Son of God the Messiah. The Jews will accept him as such.
  13. He will be made King of the Jewish Nation. He will re-build Jerusalem and make it a magnificent city. Jerusalem will be the capital of the world. He will re-build the Temple of Jerusalem. He will sit in the Temple to be adored as God. He will conquer the whole world. Those who accept him will bear his mark, or sign.
  14. One-third of the conquered peoples will refuse to obey him. He will persecute and he will torture them with every refinement of cruelty, and he will make sure that they do not die so that the tortures may be prolonged.
  15. But God will not forsake the Faithful.
  16. Ireland will be spared the persecution of Antichrist.
  17. He will rule the world for three and a half years. He will work great wonders and deceive many.
  18. Henoch and Elias will return and He will be opposed by them. He will put to death Henoch and Elias.
  19. Henoch and Elias will come to life again on the third day, and ascend into Heaven. He will say that they are sorcerers and that he can bring them back to earth.He will rise in the air by his magical powers, but will be almost immediately struck down by Saint Michael, and killed.
  20. The Jews will finally accept Christ as the Messiah. Some time will be given to the human race to do Penance before the Last Judgment.
  21. Christ will return, and the Final Judgement will occur.

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