Monday, February 11, 2013

Viva Papa Ratzi!

Pope Benedict’s Resignation: My Thoughts

1.     Disappointment and sadness. Pope Benedict is a wonderful beloved Pope and he will be greatly missed! I feel like he has so much to still offer, but I respect his decision.
2.     He spoke in his statement that he came to this decision over much time in prayer. Therefore I must believe that this is also God’s Will.
3.     I’m not afraid. I trust and believe that since this is God’s Will only good things will follow.
4.     The Church is ultimately run by the Holy Ghost and we know that the “gates of Hell will never prevail against it.” Maybe God is planning to appoint someone who the Church greatly needs right now, a Pontiff that will help the Church and increase her faith and members. We are facing some troubling times with atheism and paganism on the rise. Terror at every corner of the world, and leaders who lead nations with their own selfish pride. Not that Pope Benedict hasn’t done a great job already, God just might have someone new in mind that may bring a fresh new insight into things that will open our hearts to Christ even more.
5.     We must remember that this is not the first Pope to retire. A number of popes have resigned before, most recently in 1415, when Gregory XII resigned. Even Blessed John Paul II thought about resigning repeatedly but didn’t, likely in significant part because there were calls for his resignation and it would have set a terrible precedent.
6.     Pope Benedict may follow the pattern of previously resigned popes and spend the rest of his days in a monastery.
7.     The fact that Pope Benedict chose to do this now, just before Lent begins, so that his resignation takes place in two weeks and we should have a new pope before Easter, means that his deterioration of health is serious.
8.     The Pope is 85 years old, and thanks to advancing medical technology means increasingly long lifespans with a longer period of frail health. It is not easy to be 85 or 90 or 95 and feel confident steering the ship of Peter in today’s world.
9.     I pray that the rest of the world will accept his decision and respect him. So often will the media and pop culture today (run by the Devil) will serve to rebuke him and take advantage of poking fun of the Church in this time of finding a new Pope.

Let us pray for our dear Holy Father and for God’s guidance on the conclave who will elect our new Pope.

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