Friday, April 12, 2013

Live Your Life for God!

"He who attaches himself to the earth, remains attached to it. We are obliged to leave it. It is better to become detached a little at a time, rather than all at once." -St. Padre Pio.

I came across a comment the other day regarding some political events in this world in which the individual responded to them by saying, "Although I am Catholic, I do not believe that my personal beliefs should play a part in any political affairs. Therefore, outside of Church I don't see anything wrong with this."

This phrase that is so often used not only by "cafeteria catholics" but also by "catholic" politicians, is truly the lamest excuse in the face of evil that I have ever heard of! Yet at the same time, it's surprising to me how many people in this world hear it, and repeat it like its an intelligent thing to say when confronted with issues on morality. So let's answer this once and for all.

If you say you are Catholic, then you must practice what you believe. Even for someone who calls himself a dentist, can't call himself a dentist if he doesn’t practice dentistry. We all know faith without works is a heresy! (James 2) We also must know that we have an obligation to stand up for what we believe in and be apologetic (1 Peter 3:15). It is wrong to think that outside of Church, anything is okay. We must make Christ the center of our lives so that no matter where we go, we recognize that we are in the midst of God. And whether you are in Church or not, does not make a difference on issues of morality. It's still sinfully wrong, whether you are in Church or not. Therefore we must stand up for our beliefs whether they interfere with politics or not. In then end, we will all be judged for what we did and did not do in the face of sin.

Some will often use the misguided interpretation that there must be a "separation of church and state." And indeed there should be, but by the means of it's original meaning. Originally when Thomas Jefferson called for a separation of church and state, he was calling for the state (I.e. Britain) to stay out of church affairs. This is completely opposite from how people are using the phrase today when they think it means for the church to stay out of state affairs. It is actually our Judeo-Christian faith that founded this country, and which the constitution and many of the freedoms of this country get their basis in morality from. It is because of fear, and the lack of having any backbone when it comes to dealing with these issues over the years, that has resulted in the current sinful chaos we are in.

“If we earnestly endeavor to love Jesus, this alone will drive all fear from our hearts, and the soul will find that instead of walking in the Lord’s paths, it is flying.” -St. Padre Pio

We should not be afraid to stand up to sin! We should not be afraid of the tortures and the ridicule we will get for following the will of God in this world. And if we are afraid I must ask why? Jesus Christ died for all of us on a cross and conquered all fear! In Him there is no fear, in Him there should be no worry for what they will do to us. If they challenge you, if they persecute you and torture you for your beliefs, fear not – your reward will be great in Heaven. And isn't that what its all about? If you give into the ways of the world only hoping that God will be merciful to you in the end… You are mistaken! As Catholics we are born again in Christ's blood on the cross, and therefore must live a new life in Him. We must put away the world, the flesh, and the Devil and make our ways like unto God!

Another common thing I hear is the phrase, "I am not religious, and I'm okay. I can be successful without God." Whoa to you who say such a thing like that, for it is only the words of the Devil himself that you are speaking. For were not his words the same before he was cast into Hell? Oh but of course you would be successful, but the rewards in fame and fortune that you are receiving from the world, come with a price – your soul. The true man of God works humbly for his dues, and offers up all his rewards to God, praising Him for all that he receives. And he honors God by giving to Him what is also due, so that in the end he will receive his greatest reward in Heaven; a Crown of Victory over sin and death! A crown more precious than any earthly gold. Why would you ever want anything less?

If you must desire, then desire love from God. If you must over-indulge yourself, then over-indulge yourself with grace, and show temperance towards worldly things. If you must be greedy, than be greedy for your reward in Heaven and give to those who have nothing. If you must be lazy, be lazy to the desires of the world, but find zeal in your love for God! If you must be angry or become enraged with hatred, then hate the sin, but love the sinner and show forgiveness to those who wrong you! If you must be resentful, then resent all sinful behaviors and show kindness towards everyone and live out your faith daily in prayer and witness! And if you must show any pride, be proud to be Catholic and humble in all things!

God love you all!

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