Monday, April 15, 2013

Where is God?

Richard Dawkins
The common response you might say to someone who is an Atheist when they say "I don't believe in God", may be "To bad, He believes in you." Or rather you might try to make them think a little bit and say to them, "Wouldn't it be better though to live thinking there is a God and find out there isn't, than to live as though there isn't a God and find out there is?" Recently when I heard this response made to a very well-known Atheist by the name of Richard Dawkins, he responded by saying, "If there is a God, then why did He make Himself so hard to find?"

Now, I am not a scientist… I didn't score that high in my ACT's, nor did I ever become a doctor in anything. But I am a Catholic, and I believe in God. And I know He exists because the world around me exists. I know that if it wasn't for Him, none of this would be here. No matter how you look at the world, whether you believe it got here over millions of years of evolution, or 7 days of creation… Something started it all, and that something is the author of all life. How do I know this? Look at just the simplest thing like a flower; each flower of this world has a unique and separate design from every other flower in the world. No two flowers are like, and each flower has a beautiful design that can no be reproduced by any means. How could a world that would have no God, have so many beautiful things in it?

What about even a snowflake? If you ever take a close look at a snowflake you will see that each and every snowflake has a very interracial and geometrically solid design? How is that possible without a designer? I heard the philosophy of the fact that if one were to walk down the road and see a rock, they would think nothing of it. But if that same person were walking down a road and discovered a watch, they would know that this time piece was created by someone. Someone who made all the gears and set it in motion in order to tell time. This is very different from just a rock laying on the side of the road that does nothing, a watch stands out as something that has been made. The same is with our Earth, it is not just a rock floating in space, it planet with living, thinking and intelligent beings living on it. The mere fact that there is more to life than just being alive should show us all that we have come into being for a purpose that has be deemed by a creator.

But before I go too far in these arguments that probably every atheist has heard and tried to dismantle with their own scientific debauchery why don't I dive into some things that even science is struggling to understand. Things that may not be often mentioned in apologetics, but none-the-less, they do exist in this world.

Whenever I sit back and try to challenge myself on whether the existence is true or false, I often will think of these things:

1. The Incorruptibles
The incorruptible body of St. Bernadette
Every person in this world who dies eventually decays and turns into dust. For Atheists, this is the end and there is no more. But what about those individuals in this world who lived their lives so devoted to God that their bodies are preserved? That's right preserved! And I'm not talking about mummification, I'm referring to saintly individuals whose bodies will not and cannot decay. They are incorruptible, preserved by means that are not of this world. How is this possible? There's only one explanation based on the life they lived and that is… God.

2. Demonic Possession
The way I look at, the prince of all lies who wants so desperately to make people not believe in God, is not helping his cause what-so-ever! All throughout time we have come across individuals who have been cursed with demonic possession. And even though many would like to think that its only science fiction and that science has proven that the case is only that of schizophrenia, any good exorcist who has done battle with the Devil knows, there is no cure for the Devil like there is for schizophrenia. In a recent article I read that gave the account of a real exorcism that took place in 1928, it described how the individual possessed was able to actually float in mid-air and when prayed over, sprung out of the bed and clung to a wall almost like Spiderman in order to get away from the priest. I honestly don't think someone with schizophrenia has the ability to do things like that. This isn't just hollywood people, this is the real deal.

3. Miracles
Though there are many miracles that can be seen as maybe just a trick, there are also some that can not be explained, even by science. One of these is the miracle of the little girl who had no pupils. Of all of Padre Pio's healings, one of the most remarkable may have been a blind girl from the Palermo area named Gemma DiGiorgio. “I had no pupils in my eyes,” said Gemma in 1971, several years after Padre Pio's death. “I had no sight at all. When I was three months old, my mother took me to a very famous eye doctor in Palermo. He told her that, without pupils, I would never be able to see.” In 1946, when the girl was seven, a nun took it upon herself to write Padre Pio on her behalf, and received a note saying that the girl should be brought to Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotundo. That's exactly what Gemma's grandmother did: brought the girl to see the famous monk, who heard the child's First Confession and gave her her First Communion — then made the Sign of the Cross on her eyes. After the blessing, Gemma was able to see.

More astounding still may be the thoroughly-documented cure of a construction worker named Giovanni Savino, who was severely injured on February 15, 1949, in a dynamite mishap. When Dr. Guglielmo San- guinetti, a physican, and Padre Raffaele, another Capuchin, and Father Dominic Meyer rushed to the injured man's side, “all three men noted that among Savino's numerous injuries, his right eye was gone entirely. They agreed that 'the socket was empty',” reports biographer Bernard Ruffin. Other doctors confirmed that the eye was completely annihilated and the other one badly damaged.

It looked like Savino was also going to be totally blind. For three days, the worker lay on a hospital bed with his head and face bandaged. When a surgeon entered the room three days later, Savino reported that Padre Pio had visited him — something Savino recognized because he had detected the beautiful aroma so often reported around the priest. A week later, at about one a.m. on February 25, 1949, Savino felt a slap on the right side of his face — the side where the eye was completely gone. “I asked, 'Who touched me?'” testified Savino. “There was nobody. Again I smelled the aroma of Padre Pio. It was beautiful.”

When later the ophthalmologist — an atheist — came to examine the remaining eye, there was a shock. “To their amazement,” writes Ruffin, “the doctors found that his shattered face was fully healed and covered with new skin. Savino, however, was most delighted at the fact that he could see. 'I can see you!' he said excitedly to the eye specialist.”

And indeed, as is medically documented, the doctor saw, to his “utter astonishment”, that Savino had his right eye back. Somehow, the eye had materialized. (“Now I believe too,” exclaimed the doctor, “because of what my own hands have touched!”) As Ruffin notes, it's one thing when diseases disappear; this is exciting. It's tremendous to hear of diabetes or arthritis or even cancer leaving a person. “For a missing part of the body to be restored, however, is another matter,” noted the expert biographer.

4. Fatima
Although it is widely taught that when you discuss apologetics to any non-believer, the topic of Apparitions is not to be used since so many people throughout time have claimed to see God and have often been found out to be liars only trying to get attention and start a movement. Yet the case of Fatima is not one to be argued with. In Fatima, Our Lady appeared to 3 young children and revealed to them 3 secrets which over time have come true. Secrets about the end of World War I and the beginning of World War II. And at the end of these series of apparitions, Our Lady performed a miracle. An estimated 70,000 people assembled and witnessed the sun dancing in the sky and then suddenly plummet toward the Earth at the Cova da Iria on October 13, 1917. And whether you want to believe that this happened or not, I guarantee you that there are still relatives (if not still living eyewitnesses) that can tell you, THIS REALLY HAPPENED!

5. The Resurrection
This 5th thing to me defines it all. If there was no resurrection of Jesus Christ, then our faith would be ruined. With the resurrection you can't simply dismay it as a lie that the apostles came up with after Christ's death on the Cross. No, they clearly saw the resurrected Jesus Himself and were willing amidst Roman and Jewish persecutions to die for this very truth. And many of them did! And there are still martyrs to this day! If St. Peter himself and the rest of the Apostles did not see the resurrected Jesus, they would have admitted to the lie over 2000 years ago and our Christian/Catholic faith would not be here. In those days, a lie such as that would never have lasted this long, the Romans wouldn't have never let that happen. But the truth exists, and amidst all the years of percussion and corrupt individuals who even have tried to destroy the Church from within, it still stands. How is that possible? God.

In conclusion, to answer Richard Dawkins comment on if God does exist, why God has made Himself so hard to find? Well, maybe you just haven't been looking in the right place? Maybe it takes more of an open heart to find God, than to try and find Him under a microscope. Yet at same time if you are a doubting Thomas and need some hard proof of God's existence, as I have just shown... it is out there.

I pray for Dr. Dawkins and all those who think that God does not exist. To me I believe that if one is so obsessed and devoted in proving the non-existance of God, then they might deep down be hiding the uncontrollable need to have Him in their lives.

God love you all! Pray the Rosary daily!

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