Thursday, May 2, 2013

Don't Believe It!

From the moment Pope Francis was elected and it was announced that he was the first Jesuit Pope from the Americas, all eyebrows began to raise. And all began to speculate what is pontificate would be like. Right away we began to see him choose to not wear the red papal shoes, nor wear any of the dazzling papal vestments at his Installation Mass. He began to take the bus over riding in the papal limousine. And soon when he washed the feet of a woman on Holy Thursday, everything about our new Holy Father really started to get skewed. The liberals began to sing, "Finally! A Pope who's for the people!" …"A progressive Pope!" 

Then the media breaks news that when the Pope was formerly the Archbishop of Buenos Aries, he suggested the idea of Civil Unions for homosexual couples. And another story comes out from a woman who is said to be an old "friend" of the Pope's who was married to an ex-bishop comes out and says she is certain the Pope will lift the discipline on celibacy. Suddenly there are people asking if these are signs of things to come?


I have read the articles and I have seen the documentation and I can tell you this… None of it is for certain. And a lot of it is a bunch of allegations. Nothing directly coming from the mouth of our Holy Father. Even the whole article on his support for civil unions was said by the Vatican to be false. And as for the woman who thinks the Pope will lift the celibacy discipline in the church, her opinion is merely based on her own interpretation of how she was ministered to by him when the rest of the church seemed to ostracize her. Is it based on any truth or a clear sign of what's to come? No.

The one thing I have learned about our Holy Father is that when you hear about him through the media, we often begin to question him and doubt him. But when we hear his words from his very own mouth, you can't help but love him! So this leads me to believe that the truth about our Holy Father between his mouth to the media's broadcast is getting twisted. And its no surprise to me since the Devil controls the media, and will do everything to make even the strongest most faithful Catholics look at our Holy Father in disgust.

Well, I'm not going to fall for it. I will be a doubting Thomas about it. Unless I hear the Pope himself say it, or publish it as an Encyclical or Apostolic Letter… I won't believe it. And even if it is stuff that he said before he was Pope, I won't believe it. Why? Because there is one undeniable truth about when a man becomes Pope, and that is this: when a man is chosen by God to become Pope, whether in his previous life his way of thinking was more liberal than traditional or not… The office of the Bishop of Rome, changes him. Whether it is from divine inspiration or plain just change of heart, that man becomes a new man in Christ, and truly takes a turn for the better for the life and protection of the Church.

To anyone who reads that garbage about the Pope, I tell you to do the same thing as me. DON'T BELIEVE IT! Even if it is true, remember this… This is not the Pope's church, it's Christ's. And through the power and guidance of the Holy Ghost, "the gates of Hell will never prevail against it."

God love you all! Pray the rosary daily!

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